
MIG Consulting is an autonomous business stream formed as a result of development of the oldest player on the Russian security services market – the MIG Business Security Strategies Company.

Delivery of the consulting services package within a particular area has become an expected response to the current requirements of well-developed companies acting on the Russian markets and mostly interested in analytical and intellectual content of all security assurance aspects.

For more than 30 years of cooperation with international and domestic companies MIG Business Security Strategies has accumulated an extensive expert base in most areas of security services.

Year after year the consulting and project management issues in the MIG structure had been the factors ever shaping the development of all business lines.

Starting from 2009 the consulting and project management services became the core business activity of the MIG Business Security Strategies Company, and in 2012 it evolved to a self-sufficient business entity assigned with its own specialized staff and management structure.

We approach the clients’ security aspects as components to form a comprehensive intellectual product adapted to the requirements of a specific business while being a long-term risks and threats mitigation strategy protecting the interest of owners and investors.

The development of business environment doesn’t stand still, that’s why MIG Consulting continuously works to improve its approaches and methodologies, and extends the set of applied algorithms and solutions covering the clients’ needs as fully as possible.



Individual approach in the MIG Consulting performance is necessary for development of the best solutions in the interests of the balanced security assurance for a Client and its business. Each Client is unique. We understand it and pay due consideration to peculiarities and specific features of the individual business culture drawing on three key principles:
Having successfully performed over 300 consulting projects for our clients, the MIG Consulting professionals know how to organize the process security with an eye on the problems and specifics of local business operations – from safety of people and property to protection of information streams and technology.
Our extensive network of business links and partners for project implementation as well as our own analytical and expert divisions are instrumental for us to responsibly supervise the entire project from start to finish delivering integrated solutions to our Clients.
In our activities we strictly observe confidentiality and ethics requirements and value our established goodwill. We are proud that various global market area leaders have opted for MIG.


The key advantage of cooperation with MIG Consulting is our integrated approach enabling the holistic vision of prospects for preventing threats and risks for one’s business and timely development of a model of problems solving designed specifically for potential points of occurrence thereof.
  • Expert Assessment of Business Security Level (Security Audits);
    • Integrated assessment of the Client’s business processes for sensitivity to various threats and risk assessment;
    • Development and presentation of recommendations aimed to mitigate risks and losses.
  • Technical Audit;
    • Assessment of efficiency of security engineering application;
    • Development and presentation of recommendations aimed to ensure efficient application of engineering systems, or replacement thereof for those meeting the Client’s current needs.
  • Creation of Security Assurance Strategies;
    • Development and implementation of security assurance strategies for a company based on expert opinions, professional recommendations and in consideration of the Client’s preferences.
  • Corporate Security Outsourcing;
    • MIG Consulting professionals conduct regular activities in the Client’s company regarding both the whole range of measures aimed at the business security assurance and solving specific focus tasks early defined by the Client as priority ones, such as follows:
      • Monitoring of the company security assurance concept implementation;
      • Survey of counterparties for due diligence and goodwill;
      • Assessment of conduct of the company’s officials for corruption prevention;
      • Study of contracts regarding relevance and risk exposure for the Client;
      • Control of compliance with the rules, timeframes and consistence of payment and release of transportation documents;
      • Evaluation of efficiency measures aimed at prevention of fraud and other irregularities;
      • Survey of moral and psychological environment in a group, spotting and assessment of trends;
      • Travel security.
  • Embedded Security Officers;
    • Solving HR security issues;
    • Preventive actions on external threats to business;
    • Communication and cooperation with law enforcement authorities;
    • Material values and assets security management and personnel protection;
    • Monitoring for effectiveness of the technical security systems;
    • Control over compliance with information protection requirements;
    • Solving of additional and emergent tasks which affect the company’s security.
  • Training Delivery;
    • Interactive workshops with the Client’s company staff aimed at acquisition and drilling of applied knowledge and skills charged with mitigation of loss risks for the business. The training schedule, priority issues scope and other special aspects are developed and discusses individually for each specific Client.
  • Independent Monitoring of Contractors Compliance;
    • Conducting regular or random inspections for compliance of services rendered by contracting entities with contract arrangements and requirements of the current legislation;
    • The purpose of monitoring is to minimize the Client’s losses caused by insufficient or improper quality of service provision thereto as well as by ensuing of negative consequences arising from violation of the current legislation requirements by contractors.
  • Security Projects Management.
    • Development and generation of the project implementation schedule;
    • Auditing and sourcing of contractors;
    • Execution of contract package;
    • Training of contractors;
    • Control of financial and contractual communication pattern;
    • Conducting and control of clearing payments;
    • Contractor performance quality control;
    • Training management, corrective actions initiation.


MIG Consulting has a wide network of business partners and relations both in Russia and abroad. It enables efficient and prompt action anytime and anywhere subject to the Client’s needs and, when required, outsourcing sufficient local workforce for tasks solution.


Clients are the core of our business. The prime criterion of our performance quality assessment is the maximum satisfaction of the Client’s needs and expectations.

The client-oriented approach is an implicit standard of the MIG Consulting performance. Our customer can always be confident that the MIG professionals will solve an issue in compliance with the high standards of service provision, which are the company trademark, and at the same time with due regard for specific requirements of each client.

We are proud that the largest Russian and international companies operating in the territory of the Russian Federation have opted for cooperation with MIG Consulting. Our experience of productive relationship with them is invaluable for us.

Jewelry Business
Telecommunications & IT
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Logistic Activities
Retail Trade